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Lead2pass is one of the leading exam preparation material providers. Its updated C_TBW55_73 braindumps in PDF can ensure most candidates pass the exam without too much effort. If you are struggling for the C_TBW55_73 exam, it will be a wise choice that get help from Lead2pass.

Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: http://www.lead2pass.com/c-tbw55-73.html

A Standard DataStore Object is loaded with source data. After the request was activated, a customer decides to change the quantity of one specific order from 30 to 50. With the next data load, the existing data is overwritten with the updated load. Which of the following options is what you will see in the change log for the quantity key figure after activation? (1 correct answer(s))

A.    One new entry: +20
B.    Two new entries: -30 and +50
C.    Two new entries: 0 and +50
D.    One new entry: +50

Answer: B

One query requires analysis of sales volumes per cost center and person responsible, based on the assignment at the time of the transaction. Another query analyzes for a certain key date. What do you have to do to model both requirements in one InfoCube? (2 correct answer(s))

A.    Use the person responsible and the cost center as dimension characteristics in the InfoCube
B.    Use the person responsible as a time-independent attribute for the cost center characteristic
C.    Use a time-dependent hierarchy for the person responsible
D.    Use the person responsible as a time-dependent navigational attribute for the cost center characteristic

Answer: AD

Which options can you use to determine the target unit of measure in quantity conversion?
(3 correct answer(s))

A.    An InfoObject
B.    A DataStore Object
C.    A fixed unit of measure
D.    A data record
E.    A variable

Answer: ACE

Which DataSource types can you use to create VirtualProviders? (3 correct answer(s))

A.    Relational Source
B.    SAP Source
C.    Web services
D.    Universe Connections
E.    Flat files

Answer: ABE

You want to report all products that were not sold or sold very little in the last six months.
How can you model this requirement? (2 correct answer(s))

A.    Use an InfoSet with an INNER JOIN from the master data to the sales transaction data.
B.    Use an InfoSet with a LEFT OUTER JOIN from the master data to the sales transaction data.
C.    Use the InfoProvider containing the sales transaction data and set the Read Mode of the material characteristic to “Master Data” in BEx Query Designer.
D.    Use the InfoProvider containing the sales transaction data and set the Read Mode of the InfoProvider to “Master Data”.

Answer: BC

What does SAP recommend you do to improve the overall reporting performance of a standard InfoCube in SAP BW? (3 correct answer(s))

A.    Include the InfoCube into a semantically partitioned object (SPO).
B.    Execute a pre-load OLAP cache process in a process chain.
C.    Create aggregates.
D.    Create one or more line-item dimensions.
E.    Split the standard InfoCube data into several InfoCubes contained in a MultiProvider.

Answer: ACD

Your customer wants to model their SAP BW system according to best practices.
You propose using a layered scalable architecture (LSA.. Which of the following steps must you perform? (2 correct answer(s))

A.    Model disjunct transaction and master data domains for application-specific reporting.
B.    Implement the entire corporate information factory enterprise data warehouse architecture.
C.    Define specific scenarios for data logistics shaped by the customer environment.
D.    Determine which LSA layers are relevant based on the customer’s requirements and objectives.

Answer: CD

Which of the following initial tasks should you perform when designing an SAP BW data model?
(2 correct answer(s))

A.    Analyze relationships between the characteristics and their attributes.
B.    Evaluate the volume of data to be loaded.
C.    Evaluate the number and types of users.
D.    Evaluate the format of data to be loaded.

Answer: BD

What do you do to access data from a .UNX universe in SAP BusinessObjects Dashboard Design? (1 correct answer(s))

A.    Add a query on the universe in the query browser.
B.    Convert the universe to a .UNV universe in the information design tool.
C.    Store the universe in BW and use an SAP NetWeaver BW connection.
D.    Use an XML data connection in the Data Manager.

Answer: A

SAP BusinessObjects Analysis edition for OLAP allows only utilizing specific data sources.
Which of the following data sources can you use? (2 correct answer(s))

A.    SAP NetWeaver BW
B.    ODBC data sources
C.    Excel files
D.    Web-based OLAP analysis

Answer: AD

There is no doubt that Lead2pass is the top IT certificate exam material provider. All the braindumps are the latest and tested by senior SAP lecturers and experts. Get the C_TBW55_73 exam braindumps in Lead2pass, and there would be no suspense to pass the exam.

C_TBW55_73 new questions on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3Syig5i8gpDaUN6OGRvTkFZd1U

2016 SAP C_TBW55_73 exam dumps (All 112 Q&As) from Lead2pass:

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